Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Friday, 19 July 2013

Every picture tells a story...

OK - finally got the new front cover sorted to my satisfaction, especially for Teresa and her burn scars...

I like the 'antiquing' as well 

Friday, 12 July 2013

Production lines

Well - it's off for proof-reading and final review (by Tina, my sister) tomorrow, courtesy of courier service (husband).

In the meantime I've been merrily playing around on Lulu with their templates and cover wizards and got myself a free ISBN package sorted, so hopefully, once Tina's finished with it, it'll be a fairly quick and simple job to get it out in paperback at least. I'm using these last few weeks to sign off on some of the nigglier things such as removing all song lyrics (Perfect Day and Hard Rain's Gonna Fall) that I'd quoted from since even mentioning a title will set me back an arm and a leg for permissions. Pity that as some of the words did fit the stories very well but it's just not worth the hassle... Luckily the Bible (KJV) and the Ancient Mariner are well and truly in the public domain and so will cost nada!

Ditto the covers which were worrying me a little with the change of title, but I've rooted out our old photos of good ole Mosi-oa-Tunya and 'antiqued' them a bit and found some photos of Nigerian girls and Somali boy soldiers which I'm going to sketch out some 'generic' portraits to put with the falls and make a photo-montage - oh! I forgot I've posted them didn't I! lol  OK - so they'll look something like that but the people will look 'ghostlier'.

Also have other publishing projects in the pipeline for DreamWorlds especially, but first I'll see about getting an e-Book version of Milele out with Lulu - if their template's are easier to handle than Amazon's (CreateSpace) I might as well stay with Lulu since I can sell in more places online. It's quite exciting to be getting this close to a launch, but of course I've also got to think of promoting it too. Some of that's doable even on my sociophobic scale, as I can at least tell my forum mates about it and steel myself to beef up my FB and Twitter presence a little bit and maybe this'll help a little bit once I open it up...

For now though I'm quite enjoying blogging just for me!